Daniel Bellucci
Farmingdale State College
Architectural Engineering
**Click picture below to be brought to the start of the project**

Project 1
"Green" Lakeside Library

Project 2
Sculptures Gallery & Residence
Project #1 - "Green" Lakeside Library

Conceptual Process
- For our first step into our lakeside library project we were assigned into groups to work cooperatively and research information on our Bayshore, Long Island based parcel of land.
- My groups main research buildings moving forward were Coe Hall in Plaindome Manor, Long Island as well as the Warsaw University Library, in Poland.
-Using the floor plan from Coe Hall, we used the distinct nature between public vs private as well as identifying the critical transitional spaces. As for the sustainability aspect of the project we used the features from Warsaw University Library's green wall and green roof.
- The next step was to develop a parti, outlining the general layout of the library on the site. We had certain zoning constraints that would limit our max building envelope. Further developing this parti in Revit lead to separating the envelope into two spaces for administrative and public areas. The library's location on the site was moved over to extend into the lake, and the parking lot shifted to the side to accommodate the parking stalls needed.

- Once a few solar studies were done and model size constraints were established we looked back at our concept buildings and included a ramp that would encompass most of the public area of the library's exterior as well as make the entire public spaces envelope a curtain wall. This lead to structural changes from load bearing walls to columns and trusses as well as a high dead load for the green roof.
3D Model Process

- For the front facade we decided to match the traditional existing library's brick and glass front and highlight the entrance with a tinted glass panel awning.
-The transitional space is also the main entrance from the parking lot, this is also where the ramp to the green roof and green wall start.
-The green wall idea came from the university library at Warsaw, Poland that had overgrowth over the curtain walls during a period of no use in the 90's.This green wall actually lowered the thermal coefficient thus raising the efficiency of the structure.
- The ramp to the roof also came from the Warsaw university library as there was a ramp from the rear of the building that sloped up to the roof.
-The move to overhang the public part of the library over the lake came from the initial renderings and would maximize the views from inside the library.
-Moving the library over the lake also increased our site's grass coverage which allowed for a larger parking lot.

3D Model Process
-The transitional space has had the most refinement in terms of layout, initially it was to be covered by the same green roof above the public area of the library. This did not differentiate the space enough for it to be considered transitional. The next idea was to have a sloped roof to the parking lot however this lead to multiple issues with the connection to the curtain wall system and its overall structure.
-The final decision was to continue the curtain wall theme but over the entire transitional space. This solved the connection issues and helped define the area as it was unique.
-The public area is designed as a single open area, apart from the children's on the first floor under the main circular area.
- Apart from the post modern design choices the material choices for the interior are suppose to be contemporary. This lead to the choices of carpet, tile, steel, and glass.
**Please see below is my final presentation which includes the drawing documents**
Project #2 - Sculptures Gallery & Residence

Conceptual Sketches
- For our second project our main prerogative was to focus on the concept and thoughtfully develop it. Our site was located in Islip, Long Island and we were given a storefront with 2 additional levels above which would serve as the residence for the owner.
-The owner is a sculpturer who is in need of a gallery, workshop space and residence for his family of four and 2 In laws. Our goal is to develop something that pops on the corner and has a clear architectural language.
-My first idea while developing the ISO drawing I thought that each level would represent a different language, I split each level accordingly. I wanted to make sure the first floor had a lot of light as well as for the second floor. However, I still wanted to make sure the building would fit with the structures around it. The third floor was suppose to be the residence for the sculpture so I wanted it to be the most unique so I came up with this wavy panel idea that would carry our sustainability ideals from the last project.
-For the site plan it was quite rudimentary being a corner plot however we did have the option to remove the parking lot in the rear for landscaped lawn
Concept Development
- While my initial concept certainly needed work I found that the stacking method was a lazy approach and that it wasn't helping the building pop out enough.
- To remedy this I thought of some more abstract ideas and concepts rather than an architectural example from another building. I finally settled on the egg carton from its unusual shape and I also remember that its also commonly used to fertilize flower seeds which lead to my conceptual idea "Egg-Carton Sprouts" Which would also complete the sustainability parameter for a green roof.
-For the structure this would significantly constrain the interior volumes due to curved walls on an angle however since the size of these circular rooms were quite larger it made it easy to condense a single room into them. In some cases for the Gallery and Workshop spaces would need two of these carton spaces. The bathroom on the second floor to be split in two for one carton space.
3D Model Process

-To make best use of the gallery space, I thought it would be a good idea to get as much light as possible in there so i made the front o cartons out of glass curtain wall systems.
-As for the storefront it seemed a bit naked to have exposed brick under the massive glass cartons so added steel supports on the outside to help outline the structure.
-To help distinguish these rooms from the outside I thought having different arrangements of windows for each room based on there purpose.
-For rooms with less travel or for individual use i tried to space the windows out and for bathrooms put them above eye level.
-The alleyway on the west side has steel fences enclosing it for the family's use only while the general public would use the entrances on the north and south sides.
-The steel canopy above the alleyway was also taken from the carton concept as it was to resemble the hinge. This also allowed the building to tie into the adjacent one.

3D Model Process
-The gallery spaces turned out to be a great area to include the glass elevator from my previous project as the in-laws staying on the 3 story require wheel chair access.
-The second and third story's also required an overhanging path from the elevator to the main level as it wasn't possible to have a spiral staircase against the carton walls.
-Although on the northern exposure there isnt any sun path the abundance of windows always allowed light to filter in on my solar studies.
-The overall aesthetics of the interior came to be essential modernism with exposed brick, masonry and steel always being in view.
-The green roofs are more like patches on this project as i didn't want to have inaccessible green roofs on the third story as this could have been unavoidable intensive maintenance.
-Although this project was challenging from a conceptual perspective I was quite happy with how my project developed.
**Please see below is my final presentation which includes the drawing documents**